Why study electrical power engineering?
POWER ENGINEERING = the cornerstone of the industry
It is a complex field focusing on conversions, transmission, distribution, and use of electrical and thermal energy. It is closely related to other fields: technology, electric machines and devices, drives, power electronics, regulation and control, and communication.
The production, transmission, and distribution of electricity can be compared to the blood circulation of the human body. It also could not function without blood circulation, just like today's world without a sufficient amount of high-quality and available electricity. Imagine a world without electricity, could you live in it?
Join the community of experts without whom the functioning and development of the most modern technologies would not be possible. The courses provided by the Department will guide you through all the essential processes that ensure that electricity is part of our daily lives.
The Department of Power Engineering provides education at all stages of study: bachelor, master, and doctoral.
After completing your bachelor's degree, we will be happy to welcome you among the students of the master's study, where we guarantee the following study programmes or specializations:
- specialization Electrical Power Engineering (VSEE-EE) within Power Systems and Electrical Power Engineering study programme
- study programme Applied Electrical Engineering (APEL) for the combined form of study.
In these programmes, it is possible to complete the studies at the Department by passing the state final examination and preparing and defending a Master's thesis. If you are interested, you can continue with your doctoral studies.
Bachelor studies
In the bachelor's degree, we participate in teaching in the joint bachelor's study programme Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EIT). The courses taught by us give you basic knowledge about the production of electrical and thermal energy, its transmission, distribution, and use. We guarantee or participate in the teaching of the following compulsory courses:
- KEE/BPRE Safety regulations in electrical engineering
- KEV/ZEIN Fundamentals of electrical engineering (50% share of teaching)
- KEE/EPR Electrical apparatus
- KEE/EEN1 Electric power engineering 1
In the final year of study, you will also work on a final project. If you choose a topic from the field of power engineering, do not forget to enroll in the course KEE/ZPR.
If you are interested in the field of power engineering, you can profile yourself by choosing compulsory or optional courses. We recommend choosing the following courses from the optional courses blocks:
- block EIT1 - KEV/AVSE Automation in power systems and power engineering (50% share of teaching)
- block EIT4 - KEE/EEN2 Electrical power engineering 2
- block EIT6 - KEE/TEVN High voltage techniques
- block EIT8 - KEE/PIER Design of installation and electrical wiring
or any of the optional courses:
- KEE/JEE Nuclear power engineering
- KEE/UEE Electric power utilization
- KEE/TZP Technology of environment
It will certainly be an advantage for you if you plan to continue studying power engineering in a follow-up master's degree. And then sign up for the Electrical Power Engineering (VSE-EE) specialization in the Power Systems and Electrical Power Engineering study programme.
Follow-up Master studies
For the master's degree, we guarantee the specialization Electrical Power Engineering (VSEE-EE) within the Power Systems and Power Engineering study programme (VSEE), and the Applied Electrical Engineering study programme (APEL).
This specialization belongs to the most popular area of study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. You have already acquired a basic overview of the production, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy in the bachelor's degree. Now you will deepen your knowledge in the following areas:
- Technology and operation of power plants
- Operation of transmission and distribution grids
- Control and regulation of power systems
- Operating and fault states of the power system
- Integration of decentralized resources
- Electrothermal and lighting technology
- Nuclear power engineering
- High voltage technology
Since Electrical Power Engineering is one of the specializations of the VSEE study programme, you will have to take compulsory courses common to all specializations. But don't be discouraged, even here you will find courses focused on the field that interests you. Within the specialization, you can focus on:
- Electrical power grid operation and control
- Power generation technologies
The State Final Examination has an oral form and consists of your Master's thesis defense and three state exams covering a common basis and knowledge in the field of power engineering.
Courses taught in the Electrical Power Engineering specialization:
- Common basis
KEE/EKVL Electrotechnical qualification
KEE/PDS Transmission and distribution grids
KEV/EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
KEE/OZE Renewable energy sources and decentralized power generation
KEE/VPTS Selected topics in electrical heat and light - Electrical power engineering
KEE/TPDE Theory of Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution
KEE/TTE Thermal power plants technologies
KEE/EZE Electrical equipment of power stations
KEE/RES Regulation and control of power system operation
KEE/OZS Electrical protection and safety systems
KEE/ENT Environmental-friendly technologies
KEE/ETP Electroheat processes 1
KEE/EMEE Economics and management in electrical power engineering - Compulsory block: Electrical power grid operation and control
KEE/PJS Power system transients
KEE/ELS Electrical substations and power lines
KEE/TVN2 High voltage techniques 2
KEE/SEPZ Design of electric apparatus and devices - Compulsory block: Power generation technologies
KEE/VVE Hydro and eolic power plants
KEE/SENS Solar power systems
KEE/JEL Nuclear power plants
KEE/PEJE Operation of the electrical part of nuclear power plants - Optional courses:
KEE/NTE New Trends in electrical power engineering
KEE/JBE Nuclear safety
KEE/MJE Metrology of nuclear power system
KEE/ETP2 Electroheat processes 2
KEE/NOS Design of lighting systems
This study programme is intended for a combined form of study and can only be studied in the Czech language. It ranks among the more practical and generally focused electrical engineering fields. This programme is chosen by graduates of bachelor's studies who for various reasons prefer a combined form of study.
During your studies, you will deepen your theoretical knowledge across all areas of electrical engineering and you will also gain application knowledge within electrical engineering that extends to other fields. This study programme allows you to combine your job with your study.
Doctoral studies
If you feel that you still don't know enough about electric power engineering and wish to delve deeper into its secrets, then a doctoral degree is for you. But this study is different from what you have known so far. You will choose a specific scientific topic and your supervisor. The supervisor will guide you through the entire study, with him you will draw up your study plan, you will consult with him on professional matters, he will involve you in research, and he will help you with publication activities.
If you have already decided to continue with your doctoral studies at the beginning of the last year of your master's studies, it is a good idea to contact one of the supervisors and arrange with them a scientific topic that interests you. Later, you will have to choose from the list of dissertation topics offered and approved by the scientific council. But that's not a problem either. During your studies, you may find that the chosen topic does not suit you. It is not a problem to focus on another topic that you develop into a dissertation. At the end of your studies, you will defend your dissertation and receivethe Ph.D.
Doctoral studies can be studied full-time or combined. The standard period of study is 4 years. For the entire four years of standard studies, you will be a full-fledged member of the Department, and you will probably also participate in teaching.
Further information about the course of study and the necessary documents can be found on the Faculty website in the doctoral studies section.